Talent Days

Talent Days - January 28th & 29th, 2025


The Talent Days Fair is the highlight of the year on our campus, with participating companies representing a wide range of industries. Over two days, the event welcomes students from a variety of backgrounds. An annual event, the Talent Days Fair allows you to make yourself known, reinforce your visibility on campus, present your offers and recruit your future collaborators.


Once you have registered for the fair, don’t hesitate to reach out to your ESSEC contact person should you need more information. Keep in mind that there is a limited number of slots.

We look forward to seeing you on January 28th & 29th, 2025 for the next event.

Key Figures 2023/2024


participating firms


participating students

They trust us

Throwback from 2023/2024 edition

ESSEC Career Services

3 Avenue Bernard Hirsch

95000, Cergy

