Consulting & Finance Fair

Consulting & Finance Fair - October 2nd & 3rd, 2024


The Consulting & Finance Fair is directed at students specializing in consulting and/or in Finance, although it is relevant for all programs (Master in Management – Grande Ecole program, Global BBA or degrees with an international focus for example). It derives from the tradition of excellence at ESSEC Business School, whose mission is to train future managers

From a company perspective it is the best time for hiring students specialized in these domains at ESSEC.

Once you have registered for the fair, don’t hesitate to reach out to your ESSEC contact person should you need more information. Keep in mind that there is a limited number of slots.

We look forward to seeing you for the next event in October 2nd & 3rd, 2024

Key Figures Finance & Consulting Fair 2023/2024


participating companies

near to1000

participating students


individual events

They trusted us 

2023/2024 edition in a few pictures

ESSEC Career Services

3 Avenue Bernard Hirsch

95000, Cergy

